The One Dress That Absolutely Looks Good On Every Body Type

H&M Dress, Shoedazzle Pumps (similar here)

If you are struggling to find a dress that looks good on you I have the perfect solution, the fit and flare dress.  The fit and flare dress is hands down the most flattering dress for all body types and literally looks good on every one.  This style of dress does just what its name suggests.  It fits in the midsection defining your waist (which automatically makes you look slimmer!) and flares over your hips, thighs, and rear.

What is great about this dress is the bottom half both conceals and enhances.  What do I mean by that?  Because the dress flares over your hips and thighs, if that is an area you are trying to hide it certainly does that.  On the other hand, if you don't have any curves the flare helps to give the illusion of curves.  I know what you're thinking, this dress is kind of magical right?  Another great thing about the fit and flare dress is that it will never go out of style.

There are very few styles of clothing that will flatter all body types but this is one of them.  Check out my online personal styling services page to find out more about one-on-one help.