Old Habits Die Hard

Old Habits Die Hard

Two weeks ago, I posted that my theme word of the year is consistency. I reflected on my goals and accomplishments from last year and thought “Wow! I could really kill it if I stayed consistent”. The two areas I really wanted to focus on for January were blogging consistently (2-3 times a week) and working out consistently (at least 3 times a week).

So how did I do? I didn’t. The saying is certainly true when they say old habits die hard. I had this plan of waking up early to blog before work. I planned on either going to the gym after work or working on my blog. I even mapped out which classes I was going to go to at the gym and on which days. But as we know, a plan is simply just a plan without execution. The week I published that post, I blogged twice and went to the gym zero times. Last week I blogged zero times and went to the gym once.

I am so used to my habit of coming home and just relaxing after work and sleeping until I absolutely have to get up for work. To achieve the goals I’ve set for myself, it’s going to require me to create new habits and I’m definitely up for the challenge. So, I promised you a post on how to be consistent and that is coming up, because clearly, I need it. Saying all this to say, don’t be discouraged if you get off track with your goals. Simply regroup and refocus.

How are you coming along with your goals?