The Best Tips For Preventing Frizz On Natural Hair

I love big curly hair just as much as the next natural hair beauty but sometimes big frizzy hair is not the look that I'm going for.  You know, the kind of frizz where only a few of your curls are defined and the rest is just a frizzy mess?  That's the type of frizz that I try to avoid.  Well curlfriends, I did a little research, trial and error, then more research and I now have the best tips for preventing frizz on natural hair.  I even took it a step further and created a list of the best frizz free products.  One of which is my frizz free hair life saver and new hair bestie!!

What is frizz?

So what exactly is frizz?  Frizz is hair that is separated from your natural defined curl.  Often times we will have a nicely defined curl with hair all around that defined curl that isn't really curled at all.  That my curlfriends is called frizz.

How to prevent frizz on natural hair?

  1. Don't shampoo too often - Shampoo strips your hair of its natural oils.  If you feel your hair gets a lot of build up try using a good co-wash in between your shampoos.

  2. Deep condition - I deep condition my hair once a week and I can certainly tell the difference if I skip this step.  You can purchase a deep conditioner or make your own using products in your kitchen.  I recently made my own and it was seriously the best deep conditioner I've ever used.

  3. Rinse with cold water - Rinsing your hair with cold water helps to seal the hair cuticle and prevents frizz.

  4. Apply styling products on wet hair - Don't wait until your hair is damp or dry to add in products.  Immediately after rinsing put in a leave in conditioner and your styling products. (Related: The Top 7 Products To Use On Natural Hair)

  5. Let your hair air dry - I know using a diffuser adds instant volume but it can also create frizz on certain types of hair.  I like to let my hair dry and then fluff out.  The less heat you use, the better.  You also don't want to dry your hair using a terrycloth towel.  Instead try a microfiber towel to reduce frizz.

  6. Try not to touch your hair while it's drying - Although it's very tempting to want to play in our hair while it's drying, separating the curls too soon can also cause frizz.

  7. Sleep wearing a satin scarf or on a satin pillowcase - I personally sleep with my hair in a pineapple (high, loose ponytail at the very top of my head) on a satin pillowcase.  Satin helps against the friction that is caused on your hair when you toss and turn during sleep.  Sleeping on satin also helps to maintain moisture and hairstyles.

The Best Frizz Free Products To Use On Natural Hair

Click the button below to download your free list of the best frizz free products to use on natural hair.  These products are seriously hair life savers!!

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Peace & Blessings