7 Simple Tips To Get Dressed Faster In The Morning

For most of us, it's already hard enough to wake up super early and go to work in the morning.  And I also know that for some it can also  be very challenging to put together an outfit.  So if you put those two struggles together, that's just unnecessary stress that you don't need.  While I don't have tips for making it easier to wake up early in the morning, I do have 7 simple tips to get dress faster in the morning.  Which in turn will allow you to hit the snooze button a few more times and take away the dreaded question of "what am I going to wear?"....you're welcome!

7 Tips to Get Dressed Faster In The Morning

1.  Pick out your outfit the night before.

I know you've heard this time and time before but this is really the key to getting out of the door faster.  You must plan your outfit the night before from head to toe; this means your bag, accessories, and shoes.  Be sure to check the weather as well.  It does you no good if your outfit isn't weather appropriate and you have to search for another outfit in the morning.  If you're really feeling ambitious, you can plan your outfits for the entire week on Sunday.

2.  Keep your jewelry organized.

Your jewelry should be organized by category (earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc).  Necklaces should not be tangled and earrings should be kept with their matching pair.   In the event you forget to choose your accessories the night before you should be able to easily grab what you need to enhance your outfit.

3.  Pack your work bag the night before.

If you take an extra pair of shoes for your commute, snacks, a book to read during your lunch, your lunch, or a gym bag you should definitely prepare this at night as well.  Many of times I have been on schedule for getting out of the door on time but I forget that I didn't pack my lunch or that I want

4.  Pack an inner bag for your purse. 

I know I used to bring 2 bags with me (the current bag I had been using and the bag I wanted to wear for that day) when I left the house to switch out in the car.  It was either that or I was stuck wearing a bag that day that wasn't the best choice for my outfit.  If you have an inner bag you can easily remove that bag from purse to purse.

5.  Have a go-to outfit.

They're going to be times where you’re either too tired to prepare the night before or you had a late night out.  Having a go-to outfit makes getting dressed fast a breeze.  For example, you go-to outfit for work can be dress pants, a button up top, and pumps.  My go-to weekend outfit if someone calls me last minute is usually a pair of jeans, a fitted top, and heels.  Knowing this I don't question what I'm going to wear.  I just grab a pair of jeans, and a top and heels that are based on my mood, the outing, and the weather.

6.  Keep your closet organized.

Keep like colors and styles together.  So when you're searching for your go-to outfit on days you couldn't prepare the night before you're not tearing your closet apart looking for a certain color.  For example, I organize my client's closets by color from light to dark and short to long sleeve for tops.  (If you need help organizing your closet check out my styling services page.  I also offer online services for ladies who are not located in the Los Angeles area).

7.  Keep your makeup simple.

If you're trying to get dressed fast in the morning it is not the time to contour or experiment with new colors.  I would suggest coming up with a simple makeup routine that you can complete in 10 minutes or less.